ACN Mobility Technical Competency Workshop

The Apple Mobility training at Cupertino was a two day adventure! We were given a MacBook Air and an iPad Mini to work with.

Day one we learned about integration, security and deployment for these beautiful devices. Day two was scenario based.

I enjoyed learning about device management options including solutions for content and application management.

Gouthum was on a team that had a deployment scenario for a hospital. His solution spanned three years and was an incredible opportunity for a variety of health care practitioners to use iPads. I was on a team that had to devise a solution for a global salesforce to integrate enterprise purchased iPhones.

The class was an opportunity that I will never forget! I particularly enjoyed meeting Francois and his kindness in showing us around the Apple campus at 1 Infinite Loop. I am excited to join Gouthum in supporting our community by offering training and consulting in the using and deployment of iPads, iPhones and other Apple devices.

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